How much does JobSlinger Plus cost?
All JobSlinger Plus subscriptions start with a FREE one-month trial. After your trial period is up, if you decide to continue as a JobSlinger Plus member, the cost per month depends on how many months you sign up for -- it's lower for longer subscriptions, just like with National Geographic! After a , the rates are:
- 3 month plan $18.00 ($6.00/mo)
- 6 month plan $30.00 ($5.00/mo)
- 12 month plan $50.00 ($4.16/mo)
If you decide not to continue your membership after your one-month free trial, there's no need to do anything -- you won't have given us any credit card information, and there will be no charges to you. Your JobSlinger Plus membership will expire, but you can continue to use our free site (JobSlinger). This site includes a job board and the ability to create and save one Target, but does not have the following JobSlinger Plus features:
- Shops emailed and texted to you
- SASS-Watch ability to search all your SASSIE job boards at once (you have to log into each one individually to search it)
- SASS-Sync ability to update all your SASSIE profiles at once
- Five saved Target searches (with JobSlinger, you only have one)
- MegaLog combined shop log for all your SASSIE accounts